Find your own property hotspots

Michael Fuller

June 1, 2013

Knowing where to invest for optimal capital growth and rental returns can be very challenging for both experienced and novice investors alike.

Most investors spend hours trawling the web hoping to find the next property investment hotspot. The problem is there are over 350,000 properties to choose from in over 15,000 suburbs so when frustration sets in the property spruiker is ready to help you line their pockets in the false expectation that everyone will make money investing in property.

These 8 property stats are leading indicators of supply and demand and can help you scientifically pinpoint a handful of suburbs that meet your specific investing goals or at least verify what the so called experts are telling you.

In the June 2013 Issue of Strategic Super Investment Magazine, Michael Fuller, Founder of Hotspotcentral and creator of Boomtown writes about how all investors can quickly target suburbs that will statistically outperform the property market average but as much as 300%.
